
BOARD GAMES FOR EARLY MATHEMATICS is a free set of printable two-player board games and activities that teach K-3 concepts in counting, number properties, place value, rounding, mathematical symbols, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Who can use these resources?

These research-based games support all state standards. Use them to teach K-3 math, or help older students who need to catch up.

Where can I see a single list of all the game and activity titles?

You can see it here.

What makes these resources open-and-go and volunteer-friendly?
  • The instructions are scripted, jargon-free, and printed right on the game board or activity page.
  • For students who need review to be ready for a game or activity, “Skill Builders” point the helper to games or activities that teach the content they need.
How does BOARD GAMES support students and educators?
  • The program is systematic, sequential, and scaffolded for step-by-step learning, so students get to experience success.
  • An assessment is included to identify students’ knowledge gaps and find the games and activities they need.
  • Every game and activity supports a Common Core standard that is listed right on the page. Teachers can choose whether they want the resources sequenced for incremental learning or grouped by Common Core standard.
  • Every game or activity helps students focus on a mathematical concept. The instructions tell students and helpers not only how the games are played, but also what concepts the students are learning.
  • Sentence frames help English language learners and students with lower literacy levels articulate the concepts.
  • If questions come up for you, the Tips section will have the answer.
How did you decide to create this?

During the 2018-19 school year, I wanted to make my time as a parent volunteer more productive for the students I was trying to help. I searched for a structure that would meet their needs and that would work for me to use, but could not find one. In response, I started developing this game sequence.

Research on which this program is based

References cited in Board Games for Early Mathematics


Endorsements of Board Games for Early Mathematics

Contact the author

Contact me at any time with your feedback and questions.

Author bio

Kathleen A. Hansen is a parent volunteer at an Oregon elementary school. She created BOARD GAMES FOR EARLY MATHEMATICS to support her own volunteer work with students. Kathleen’s academic background includes a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of California at Berkeley and a graduate certificate in Educational Leadership and Policy from Portland State University.

Acknowledgments page

THANK YOU for helping with this project!

August 12, 2020; last updated June 4, 2021