Game and activity titles


Count a group of one
Count a group of two
Count a group of three
Count a group of four
Count a group of five
Count a group of six
Count a group of seven
Count a group of eight
Count a group of nine
Count a group of ten
Count groups of different sizes
Count groups of zero, two, and six
For finding out how many, the order doesn’t matter
Count dots in five frames
Count dots in ten frames

Number Properties

Recognize 5 and 10
Recognize 0 and 1
Recognize 1 and 2
Recognize 2 and 3
Recognize 3 and 4
Recognize 4 and 5
Recognize 5 and 6
Recognize 6 and 7
Recognize 7 and 8
Recognize 8 and 9
Recognize 9 and 10
Name numerals
0 is the magic number
1 is the magic number
2 is the magic number
3 is the magic number
4 is the magic number
5 is the magic number
6 is the magic number
7 is the magic number
8 is the magic number
9 is the magic number
10 is the magic number
Name ten frame numbers, 0-5
Name ten frame numbers, 5-10
How many dots? 0-5
How many dots? 5-10
How many squares are empty? 0-5 dots
How many squares are empty? 5-10 dots
See a numeral, find the frame
Which is more? Frames, 0-5
Which is more? Frames, 5-10
Which is more? Numerals
Which is less? Frames, 0-5
Which is less? Frames, 5-10
Which is less? Numerals
Find a greater number, frames, 0-5
Find a greater number, frames, 5-10
Find a greater number, numerals
Find a lesser number, frames, 0-5
Find a lesser number, frames, 5-10
Find a lesser number, numerals
Many ways to show 4 and 5
Many ways to show 5 and 6
Many ways to show 6 and 7
Many ways to show 7 and 8
Many ways to show 8 and 9
Many ways to show 9 and 10
Recognize 1 and 11
Recognize 2 and 12
Recognize 3 and 13
Recognize 4 and 14
Recognize 5 and 15
Recognize 6 and 16
Recognize 7 and 17
Recognize 8 and 18
Recognize 9 and 19
Recognize 10 and 20
Name -teens, frames, 10-15
Name -teens and twenty, frames, 15-20
Travel on a number path, 1-10
Travel on a number path, 6-15
Count up from different numbers, 0-9
Count up from different numbers, 10-19
Travel on a number path backwards
Count back from different numbers, 1-10
Count back from different numbers, 11-19
Travel on a number line/path by tens
Count by tens to 100
Count by tens from different numbers
Travel on a number line/path by hundreds
Count by hundreds to 1000
Count by hundreds from different numbers
Travel on a number line/path by fives
Count by fives to 100
Count by fives from different numbers
Identify odds and evens
Travel on a number line/path by twos, evens
Count by twos to 20 starting on 0
Count by twos from different numbers, evens
Travel on a number line/path by twos, odds
Count by twos to 21 starting on 1
Count by twos from different numbers, odds
Make 2-digit numbers
Make 3-digit numbers
Guess where a number is (Number line estimation, 0-10)
Guess where a number is (Number line estimation, 0 to 100)
Guess where a number is (Number line estimation, 0-20)
Guess where a number is (Number line estimation, 0-30)
Answer sheets for number line estimation games

Place Value

Think about place value
Make huge numbers
Which is more? 2-digit numbers
Which is more? 3-digit numbers
Which is less? 2-digit numbers
Which is less? 3-digit numbers
How many tens, how many ones
Find the ones place
Find the tens place
Find the ones or tens place
Identify odd and even 2-digit numbers
Find the value of digits in the ones place
Find the value of digits in the tens place
Find the value of digits in the hundreds place
Find the value of digits in different places, 2-digit numbers
Find the value of digits in different places, 3-digit numbers
Ones place, tens place, hundreds place
Use addition to think about place value
One thousands place, ten thousands place, hundred thousands place
Name numbers to the hundred thousands place


Think about rounding and why it is useful
The answer has to be either [ ] or [ ], tens place
The answer has to be either [ ] or [ ], hundreds place
Up or down?
Up or down? Tens place
Up or down? Hundreds place
Up or down? Tens place, 3-digit
Round to the tens place
Round to the hundreds place
Round to the tens place, 3-digit numbers

Mathematical Symbols

“Is the same as”
Equals sign
Inequality sign
Greater than sign, less than sign, dots
Greater than sign, less than sign, numerals
Think about what addition is
Plus sign
Think about what subtraction is
Minus sign
Plus sign or minus sign?
Is this number sentence true or false?
Is this number sentence true or false? You decide.


Think about what addition is
Identify addition facts you can learn better
Add on a number path
What is the next number?
Add 1, frames, 0-5
Add 1, frames, 5-10
Add 1, numerals
Count by twos on even numbers to 20
Add 2 to an even number
Count by twos on odd numbers to 21
Add 2 to an odd number
Doubles are easy to remember
1+2 = 2+1 (Commutative property of addition)
A number plus 0 is the same number
Add 10 to make a -teen
Subtract 1, frames, 1-5
Subtract 1, frames, 5-10
Subtract 1, numerals
Numbers that add to 4 and 5, dot clusters
Numbers that add to 5 and 6, dot clusters
Numbers that add to 6 and 7, dot clusters
Numbers that add to 7 and 8, dot clusters
Numbers that add to 8 and 9, dot clusters
Numbers that add to 9 and 10, dot clusters
Numbers that add to 10 and 11, dot clusters
Numbers that add to 11 and 12, dot clusters
Use odds and evens in addition
Tens partners, introduction
Tens partners of smaller numbers
Tens partners of larger numbers
Tens partners addition facts, numerals
(10+1) + 9 is the same as 10 + (1+9) (Associative property of addition)
Change 3+4 into 3+3+1
Change 4+5 into 4+4+1
Change 3+5 into 4+4
Change 5+6 into 5+5+1
Change 5+7 into 5+5+2
Change 3+6 into 4+5
Change 3+6 into 10–1
Change 3+4 into 2+5
Change 4+5 into 5+5–1
Change 3+5 into 2+6
Change 5+6 into 6+6–1
Change 5+7 into 6+6
Change 3+6 into 3+3+3
Add 3 and 4
Add 4 and 5
Add 3 and 5
Add 5 and 6
Add 5 and 7
Add 3 and 6
To add 9, make 10. What’s left? Smaller addends
To add 9, make 10. What’s left? Larger addends
Add 9 by making 10, smaller addends
Add 9 by making 10, larger addends
Subtract 2, frames (Prepare to add 8)
Subtract 2, numerals (Prepare to add 8)
To add 8, make 10. What’s left?Add 8 by making 10
Change 7 into something you can use
Change 7 into something you can use, includes 10 – 3
Add 7 by changing it into something you can use
Add 6 by choosing the best strategy
Check your addition facts
1 plus what is the number you drew?
2 plus what is the number you drew?
3 plus what is the number you drew?
4 plus what is the number you drew?
5 plus what is the number you drew?
6 plus what is the number you drew?
7 plus what is the number you drew?
8 plus what is the number you drew?
9 plus what is the number you drew?
Add 10 to any 2-digit number
Add two 1-digit numbers
Add a 1-digit number to a number from 10 to 15
Add a 1-digit number to a number from 15 to 20
Add multiples of 10
Add multiples of 100


Think about what subtraction is
Subtract on a number path
Subtraction is backwards addition
When you see subtraction, you can use addition
Identify addition facts you can learn better (prepare
for subtraction)
Subtract 1, frames
Subtract 2, frames
Subtract 3, frames
Subtract 4, frames
Subtract 5, frames
Subtract 6, frames
Subtract 7, frames
Subtract 8, frames
Subtract 9, frames
A number minus 0 is the same number
A number minus itself is 0
Subtract 1, numerals
Subtract 2, numerals
Subtract 10 from a -teen
Subtract with doubles
10 minus a number, 0-5
10 minus a number, 5-10
10 minus a number, numerals
Add 1 to a -teen (Prepare to subtract 9)
Subtract 9 by using 10
Subtract 9 with backwards addition
Add 2 to an even -teen (Prepare to subtract 8)
Add 2 to an odd -teen (Prepare to subtract 8)
Subtract 8 by using 10
Subtract 8 with backwards addition
Subtract 7 by using 10
Subtract 7 with backwards addition
Subtract 3 with backwards addition
Subtract 4 with backwards addition
Subtract 5 with backwards addition
Subtract 6 with backwards addition
Subtract 10 from any 2-digit number
What needs to be taken away? 10 and under
What needs to be taken away? 11 and over


Think about what multiplication is
This many stars, that many times
Writing number sentences about multiplication
Write your own number sentences about multiplication
Learn the words “factor” and “product”
A number multiplied by 0 is 0
A number multiplied by 1 is the same number
Multiply by 10
2×3 = 3×2 (Commutative property of multiplication)
Multiply by 2, with answer key
Multiply by 2, no answer key
Multiply by 2, larger factors
Prime numbers
3 x (2×2) = (3×2) x 2 (Associative property of multiplication)
60 and its factors
Square numbers, with answer key
Square numbers, no answer key
Powers of 2, with answer key
Powers of 2 up to 64, no answer key
Powers of 2 up to 1028, no answer key
Find half of a number, with answer key
Find half of a number, no answer key
Multiply 1 1/2, 2 1/2, 3 1/2, and 4 1/2 by 10
5 x 3, 5 x 5, 5 x 7, and 5 x 9
Multiply by 5 by dividing in half and multiplying by 10
Multiply by 5, with answer key
Multiply by 5, no answer key
Multiply by 5, larger factors
The first three multiples of 3
Is it a multiple of 3?
Use addition or subtraction (Distributive property of multiplication)
Use addition to multiply: 3 = 2 + 1
Odd products
Multiply by 3, with answer key
Multiply by 3, no answer key
Multiply by 3, larger factors
Use addition to multiply: 4 = 2 + 2
Multiply by 4, with answer key
Multiply by 4, no answer key
Multiply by 4, larger factors
Use addition to multiply: 6 = 3 + 3
Use addition to multiply: 6 = 5 + 1
Multiply by 6, with answer key
Multiply by 6, no answer key
Multiply by 6, larger factors
Use addition to multiply: 7 = 5 + 2
Multiply by 7, with answer key
Multiply by 7, no answer key
Multiply by 7, larger factors
Use addition to multiply: 8 = 4 + 4
Use subtraction to multiply: 8 = 10 – 2
Multiply by 8, with answer key
Multiply by 8, no answer key
Multiply by 8, larger factors
Use subtraction to multiply: 9 = 10 – 1
Multiply by 9, with answer key
Multiply by 9, no answer key
Multiply by 9, larger factors
If you have to skip count, you don’t know the fact
Multiples of 2: Factors
Multiples of 3: Factors
Multiples of 4: Factors
Multiples of 5: Factors
Multiples of 6: Factors
Multiples of 7: Factors
Multiples of 8: Factors
Multiples of 9: Factors
Multiples of 10: Factors
10 x 10 multiplication table
3-D multiplication table
Products of factors that add to 12, with answer key
Products of factors that add to 12, no answer key
Products of factors that add to 13, with answer key
Products of factors that add to 13, no answer key
Products of factors that add to 14, with answer key
Products of factors that add to 14, no answer key
Products of factors that add to 15, with answer key
Products of factors that add to 15, no answer key
Products of factors that add to 16, with answer key
Products of factors that add to 16, no answer key
Products of factors that add to 17, with answer key
Products of factors that add to 17, no answer key
Products of 3 and 4 on the multiplication table
Products of 3 and 4 off the multiplication table
Products of 6, 7, 8, 9 on the multiplication table
Products of 6, 7, 8, 9 off the multiplication table
Equivalent factor pairs, with answer key
Equivalent factor pairs, no answer key
Identify multiplication facts you can learn better
Multiply by 11
Multiply by 12
Multiples of 11: Factors
Multiples of 12: Factors
Make your own multiplication bump game
Fill in the factors, products between 4 and 9
Fill in the factors, products between 10 and 18
Fill in the factors, products between 20 and 28
Fill in the factors, products between 30 and 36
Fill in the factors, products between 40 and 56
Fill in the factors, products between 63 and 81
Name factors 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 from their products


Think about what division is
Writing number sentences about division
Divide by 2
Division is backwards multiplication
When you see division, you can use multiplication
Learn the words “dividend”, “divisor” and “quotient”
Divide dividends between 4 and 9
Divide dividends between 10 and 18
Divide dividends between 20 and 28
Divide dividends between 30 and 36
Divide dividends between 40 and 56
Divide dividends between 63 and 81
Different notations for division

June 4, 2021