Access for learners at all levels
The sequence of these games ensures that the concepts a learner needs to know to play each game have already been covered in previous games. This means that the games are accessible to learners at any level.
Skill Builders
The game boards include specific pointers (“Skill Builders”) to the earlier games that cover needed knowledge. If a learner doesn’t seem prepared for a game or an activity, check the Skill Builders for resources that may help.
The abbreviations in the Skill Builders tell you which Step By Step packet contains that game or activity.
- C Counting
- NP Number Properties
- PV Place Value
- R Rounding
- MS Mathematical Symbols
- A Addition
- S Subtraction
- M Multiplication
- D Division
The word “Previous” in the Skill Builders means “previous in the Step By Step packet”. If you are using the packets organized by Common Core standard, and the game or activity your learner needs teaches a different Common Core standard, you will need to go to a different packet.
Next section: Incremental steps help learners make progress rapidly
Back to Why the games work
August 12, 2020